Friday, August 6, 2010

An Experiment to do with Advertising, dear Reader.

Escher Art. Things being more than the sum of their parts.


The Theatre. A world according to Tom Stoppard.

Should one even contemplate dining without Miles Davis?

Lessons of a classical kind. Willful Pandora into her Box.

More books. And maybe a continuous book fare?

Cinema Paradiso. For the admiration of Plot comprised of pictures.


Unknown said...

I might be in the market for the product advertised, depending on availability and delivery terms. I have not been successful in finding it in any of the major chain stores or on Ebay. I read a magazine article today where it was revealed that the old product advertised had been discontinued. This as a result of the remote control being far too complicated to operate which frustrated users. I am hopeful that the new and improved model is available because the last product I purchased also broke and had to be returned. Please send a glossy brochure so that I might review the functions advertised?

LSM7 consumer

Carin said...

Dear LSM7

I am afraid that the author of the Peanutbuttersandwiches blog has nothing to do with the advertisements thereon. She has merely made her bog available for avertising through Google. Please contact the company of which you speak directly.

Many thanks


Unknown said...

Dear C,

I did a keyword search on Google with the following prompts: Wind, the magic of theatre, jazz clubs, Pandora, literature and films where the two people finally get to kiss and the response was “no results”. As a discerning consumer I again insist that it is this particular product advertised that might be of interest to me. As I am due to ride tonight, an express delivery of the requested brochure would be appreciated.